How we work
ITV’s Social Purpose supports the More than TV business strategy by using the power of ITV to shape culture for good. Working with ITV’s programmes, people, partners and promotional airtime, we create positive change internally and in the wider world.
Find out how our goals align to the UN Sustainable Development Goals in our download here.
The Social Purpose team shapes ITV’s strategy in this area and supports delivery by the business. It works closely with many teams across the organisation, especially Production, Commissioning, Marketing, Legal, Human Resources, Workplace Services and Procurement, to achieve its goals.
Progress against the Social Purpose strategy is reviewed by the Management Board monthly, with a deeper review at least annually at the Management Board and PLC boards. Further accountability for ITV’s Social Purpose strategy rests with established working groups with board level oversight.
ITV’s CFO/COO is responsible for the climate-related agenda, including risks and opportunities, and ensures such issues are considered and actioned at the right levels. The Climate Action Delivery Group, chaired by the CFO/COO, is made up of Directors of the business divisions most responsible for delivering our Climate Action targets - Studios, Media & Entertainment, Technology, Procurement, Investor Relations, Risk and Social Purpose. See our 2022 Annual Report for further information on our climate risk governance structure as part of our TCFD Disclosure. Underpinning these efforts is a network of divisional Green Teams, and a Green Team Leaders’ Forum sponsored by ITV’s Chief People Officer.
ITV’s Inclusion Council, chaired by ITV’s Chief Executive, is made up of Board Sponsors of each ITV network group and network chairs, as well as stakeholders from strategic teams including Diversity & Inclusion and Social Purpose. The Council ensures the Diversity & Inclusion agenda is embedded into all decisions at ITV
The ITV Mental Health Advisory Group, chaired by Pat Younge, helps provide guidance and support on all aspects of our approach to mental health and wellbeing, across production teams, show participants, our people and the public. Charities Mind, YoungMinds and SAMH are founding members.
We can only fully deliver on the Social Purpose strategy by working in collaboration with others, from programme suppliers, both from ITV Studios and from independent programme-makers, to industry peers. Our Production Principles drive change in our production supply chain, and we contribute actively to industry and specialist organisations, including BAFTA’s albert Consortium and the Responsible Media Forum.
In 2021 we conducted a materiality assessment to help ensure our social purpose strategy is focused in the right areas, to assess the changing sustainability landscape and to understand and prioritise the issues that matter to our business and stakeholders. We use this materiality review to help us evolve our strategy, make changes within areas of our business and tailor our reporting so that it aligns with the interests and needs of our stakeholders as well as those of our business. See Our full materiality review.

Engaging stakeholders
By listening to everyone who engages with ITV, we make sure we understand and meet our stakeholders’ expectations. We have a wide range of stakeholders who influence, or are affected by, our day-to-day business, with varying needs and expectations.
We use a broad range of communication channels to engage them in productive and relationship-driven conversation. The table below sets out each stakeholder group and gives examples of how we currently engage them on issues within the remit of our Social Purpose strategy. We’re careful to match the appropriate communication channel with each group, making every effort to reflect stakeholder feedback in our future policies, actions and the ongoing evolution of our Social Purpose strategy.
Acting responsibly
Our Social Purpose strategy is underpinned by core responsible business practices such as good governance, business ethics, data protection, responsibility of content and performance management.
Explore our policies below:
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Equal Opportunities Policy
Anti-Bribery Policy
Charities and Causes Guidance
Modern Slavery Statement
Environmental Management Policy
Gender Pay Gap Report
Speaking up policy
For further policies, see our Investors page here